Monday, January 2, 2012

I Walk

I walk, literally walking. suddenly i felt energetic.  i was walking from dr mansur junction untill my home. it needs about 20 minutes to walk. 

When i was walking, I my head i can hear this song from lady antebellum

I run from hate, I run from prejudiceI run from pessimists, but I run too late, i run my life or is it running me, run from my pastI run too fast or too slow it seems

Instead  of running, I was just walking. i am walking my life or my life is walking me. 
In the first day in 2012, i wish i can accomplish many things in 2012.
like the road i was walking, even though it is far, but nothing is impossible.

I just need to through it. Every step that i take is the way to reach my goals.


  1. wah kak luar biasa!!!!!!!!

  2. wah wah wah...


    memang hidup harus di jalani, kalo gak bisa di lari i...
    tapi kalo bisa lari ngapain jalan ya kan!!

  3. hahahhaha......
    betol betol... marilah sama sama kita lari-i hidup ini...

  4. hahaha... ganbarimashou.....

    terutama kw dek, bereskan itu semua urusan mu wkwkwkw..

  5. wkwkwkwkkwkkk.......
    jangan lupa PO super delicate kak. penting itu.. hohoho....
    yamajima chuuuu~
